The human body speaks in his own language, and tells us what it needs to grow through several signals, and also there is a special relation between the body organs and the foods that look like them, in a way that cannot be a coincidence, so let's identify these foods and there benefits.
Carrots and the eyes:
When we get a section of the carrots, we will remark the lines inside it and they look like that exist in the human eye, and the carrot is rich in Beta-carotene, which the body turns into Vitamin A, and it is vital for the nutrition of the eye and the health in general, and the lake of Vitamin A can leads to eye dryness, swelling of the eyelids, corneal wounds, and in some extreme cases, it may lead to blindness.
The Celery and the bones:
The Celery contains the very important mineral "Calcium", which keeps the bones in good health, and contains Vitamin K, which keeps the backbone of the women good during menopause, and it is useful whether you eat it in its raw state, or cook it, as it will provide your body with minerals and vitamins.
The Oysters and the testicles.:
The researches proved that the oysters, which look like the testicles, are very important for men, as they are rich in Zinc and folic, which are good for the semen of the man.
The Ginger and the stomach:
The roots of the ginger look like the human stomach greatly, and it contains materials that help in treating some stomach pain, and getting rid of nausea. In addition, the ginger is one of the main Chinese, Japanese and Indian dishes, because it helps getting rid of bacteria in food, and increasing the effectiveness of digestion.
The Ginseng roots and the human body:
The ginseng roots look like the human body, and nearly, it can treat all the human body's organs
The Grapefruit and the woman's breasts:
The grapefruit contains materials the fight cancers, and it can kill the cancer cells, also, reduce the cancer of Colon, pancreas, liver, leukemia and other types.
The Grapes and the alveoli in the lungs:
The grapes looks like the alveoli in the lungs, since the lungs consist of small branches, which is the airways, and at the end of every group of alveoli, this design let the oxygen to pass through the lungs. In addition, if you eat more and more grapes, then you reduce the risk of getting Lung cancer, and the grape seeds contain a chemical material, which reduces asthma and allergy symptoms.
The Beans and the kidney:
The beans already help the kidney to do its vital jobs and looks like it exactly in shape, and it is rich in minerals and vitamins, so it is very important for the human health, so eat it daily to benefit very much.
The Mushroom and the Ears:
As we did with the carrots, divide the mushroom into two sections, you will find that its shape looks like the human ear greatly, and it contains the vitamin D which is very important for bones, and helps the body use the calcium, specially the small bones in the ear, which move the sound to the brain. Moreover, the researches proved that the bilateral cochlear disease happens because of the sharp shortage of vitamin D.
The Olive and the ovaries of the female:
The olive improves the performance of the ovaries of the female, and there are Italian studies that proved that the female who eats olive oil, can reduce the probability of having an ovarian cancer by 30%. Although the reason is not clear, but it may be because the olive oil is rich in the healthy fatty acids.
The Potatoes and the pancreas:
The potatoes look like the pancreas very much, and it is very useful to this organ, as it contains Beta-carotene, which is rich in anti-oxidizers, which protect all the body cells, including the pancreas from the cancer.
The Tomatoes and the heart:
When we divide the tomato into two halves, we can see the shape of the human heart clearly, and the tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidizers, which reduce the heart diseases, and other types of cancer. Moreover, it is rich in potassium and it important from controlling the blood pressure, and contains vitamin B6, which turn the serious chemical material into harmless materials.
The Avocado and the uterus:
Aztecs called the avocado the name of fertility fruit, as it is a rich source of Vitamin E, which adjust the hormones, and protect from the cancer, and it looks like the baby in his mother uterus. Moreover, it takes nine months to be ripe fruit that can be eaten.
The Walnut and the brain:
The walnut looks like the brain with its left and right sides, and it is rich in omega three, which keep the brain liquids and its flexibility, as 60% of the human brain is fats, so it needs the good fats like omega three to work very good.
The Broccoli and the cancer cells:
The small heads of the broccoli fruits look like the shape of the cancer cells very much, and a group of researchers found that eating broccoli weekly, leads to reducing the danger of the cancer of the prostate by 45%.
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